mixed media/dance/sound/video artist
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Boredom (2015) is a depiction of the physical and temporal experience of being bored. A subject is trapped in a timeless and unchanging environment. She is accompanied by a mysterious presence. A neglectful onlooker. This presence, another woman, interacts with the subject while still existing in another temporal dimension. The subject and onlooker come together to achieve temporal synchronicity, and through it a certain resolution with regard to the subject's battle against her boredom.

Boredom has been screened at Christie Pitts Film Festival, Breakthroughs Film Festival, and Insomniac Film Festival.
Choreography: Kait Ramsden
Directed by: Lara Oundjian
with Dancers: Kiera Hill, Eryn Tempest
Composed by: Samuel Dzierzawa
Camera by: Andrés Castillo
and Editing by: Frankie Teardrop